Almost all new-build hovercraft from GHL are fitted with MT propellers from Germany. There are however a number older craft which still retain their original Hoffmann propellers.
These are getting harder and more costly support so over the last few months Design and Support Services have prepared a package which enables operators to convert to MT.
The package will be applicable to 2000TDs, 8000TDs and 8100TDs. The image shown is the recently updated fleet of Colombian 2000TD craft.
La Société des traversiers du Québec (STQ) who operate a 2000TD have become the first customer to commit to the change and recently placed a purchase order for a 2.0m MTV5 propeller from MT.
Whilst the physical change of bolting on a new propeller is straight-forward, there is a lot of detail design work required to ensure pitch contol systems, hydraulic fittings and pylon covers are an easy swap out.
A smooth and succesful conversion for STQ will enable GHL to present a case study to other prospective customers demonstrating the ease of conversion.