GRIFFON HOVERWORK LTD (GHL) are pleased to announce that they will continue to work with The Hovercraft Museum Trust as they bring some brand new GHL merchandise to the market in the coming weeks. The partnership between the two organisations stretches back over 3 decades and the introduction of new products to be sold through the Museum sales platforms has been welcomed by the trust.
The Hovercraft Museum is the only collection dedicated to hovercraft in the World and houses over 50 hovercraft as well as a wealth of models, film and an extensive paper archive. Some of the craft on display range from early home-built single-seater craft, racing craft, prototypes, and military craft up to the Worlds largest commercial hovercraft, the 56-meter long SRN4.
The Museum is based on the site of a pre-World War 1 seaplane base on the South Coast of the UK at Lee-on-the-Solent in Hampshire. The former seaplane hangars were later used by the UK MoD for testing and evaluation of hovercraft from the early 1960’s to the early 1980’s with The Hovercraft Museum moving onto the site in 1989 after the trials unit disbanded.
In 2016 the Museum was able to open on a regular basis for the first time since it was formed. Through the years the collection has grown considerably alongside a dedicated team of hardworking volunteers keeping the collection maintained. The Museum receives no external funding and no members of staff are paid, so it is a true labour of love.
In 2017-2018 several craft were recognised for their important contribution to hovercraft development and were placed on the UK National Historic Ships Register. In 2019 HRH The Princess Royal visited her namesake ‘The Princess Anne’ to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of cross-channel hovercraft services an event that was also attended by the wider hovercraft industry including Griffon Hoverwork and Hovertravel Ltd.
As of May 22nd 2021, the Museum is delighted to re-open to the public after a prolonged shutdown due to COVID-19 and hopes for a busy summer season.
More news on the new GHL merchandise will be coming soon!
More information about the collection can be found online at