Griffon Hoverwork will be exhibiting at Euronaval 2024 from 4-7 November 2024
Health and Safety Policy
Policies and Procedures

Policy Statement

The Company recognizes its legal requirement to comply with the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974, (and regulations made under it) and any other applicable requirements and our policy is to exceed the minimum requirements of the law where possible. To do this we will provide sufficient resources to meet this commitment by ensuring that the management and systems are in place which will allow us to maintain, monitor and continually improve Occupational Health & Safety performance.

This Policy shall provide a framework for setting and reviewing the Company's Health & Safety Objectives.


Policy Scope

The Company is committed to ensuring the health, safety and welfare of all employees, including the prevention of injury and ill health, both in the course of their duties and in any Company activities. The Company also has a duty to ensure the health and safety of any person who may be affected by our activities; this will extend to Contractors, Customers, Visitors and Members of the Public. This Policy shall be brought to their attention and made available to any other interested parties.



The Company will:

  • Establish and implement an occupational health and safety management system to manage the risks associated with our premises and activities.
  • Regularly monitor health and safety performance and revise our health and safety management system as necessary, to ensure we achieve our objective of continuous improvement.
  • Provide sufficient resources to meet the standards and requirements of current applicable health nd afety legislation industry best practice and the requirements of our Health and Safety Management System.
  • Actively promote an open attitude to health and safety issues, encouraging staff to identify and report hazards so that we can all contribute to creating and maintaining a safe place of work and a safe environment.
  • Communicate and consult with our staff on all issues affecting their health and safety and, in doing so, bring this policy to their attention, by holding regular meetings which will be minuted and disseminated throughout the Company.
  • Provide adequate training for our staff to enable them to work safely and effectively, and to ensure they are competent and confident in the work they carry out.
  • Carry out and regularly review risk assessments to identify hazards and existing control measures; prioritizing, planning and completing any corrective and preventative actions required to reduce risk to a minimum.
  • Maintain our premises and work equipment to a standard that ensures that risks are effectively managed.
  • Ensure the safety and minimisation of risks to health in relation to the use, handling, storage and transportation of articles and substances.
  • Ensure that responsibilities for health and safety are allocated, understood, monitored and fulfilled.
  • Provide and maintain adequate welfare facilities.
  • Provide occupational health surveillance for staff where appropriate and maintain records.
  • Communicate and coordinate all aspects of health and safety with other employers (or their staff) who share or work in our premises, to ensure that they are aware of any risks to themselves and other people posed by our activities and that we are aware of any risks to our staff from their activities.
  • Will ensure compliance with current fire legislation and provide the necessary resources to minimise the risk of a fire occurring and effective measures to respond to a fire if it were to occur. 
  • Through consultation with Representatives of Employee Safety (ROES) and Trade Union Safety Representatives (TUSR) and the involvement of all employees, to develop, implement and maintain a safe and healthy work place and environment. 


Roles and Responsibilities

The Health and Safety Advisor is responsible to the Managing Director for the provision of a comprehensive Health and Safety Management System.

The Health and Safety Advisor is responsible for bringing the requirements of health and safety legislation to the attention of departmental managers who shall ensure that that the requirements are being met within their own departments.    

The Health and Safety roles and responsibilities within the Company are defined in our Occupational Health and Safety Management System.

All employees receive a copy of their duties and responsibilities as contained in the Health and Safety Management System as part of their induction.


It is the duty of all employees when at work to:

  • Comply with the Company's Health and Safety Policy and Procedures.
  • Take reasonable care to ensure the health and safety of ourselves and other persons who may be affected by our acts or omissions at work.
  • Co-operate with our Employer on safety matters.
  • Identify potentially unsafe acts or conditions and notify management.
  • Work in a safe manner in accordance with safety instructions.
  • Make others aware of situations we believe to be unsafe and that we think others may not be aware of and report hazards to his/her line manager.
  • Use the proper equipment for the job in the way that it was intended to be used and, where necessary, use the protective equipment provided.
  • Follow the guidance given relating to good posture during his/her use of Display Screen Equipment.
  • Never perform a task that you believe is unsafe or for which have not received appropriate information, instructions or training and that you are wearing the necessary Personal Protective Equipment.
  • Never to intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interests of health, safety or welfare.

If an employee fails to reasonably carry out their Health & Safety roles and responsibilities, the Company will take this very seriously and, following a thorough investigation into the circumstances, any breach could result in disciplinary action being taken. The disciplinary sanctions are up to and including termination. 


Reporting and Investigation of Accidents

Any accident or near miss, regardless of its outcome, should be reported to a member of management. 

An Accident Report Form must be completed at the earliest opportunity for any workplace accident, near miss or alleged work-related ill health. 

The Company has a legal requirement to report certain injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences to the Enforcement Authority. It is therefore imperative that all near misses, injuries and incidents of ill health are reported as soon as possible.  This will not only ensure that the legal reporting requirements are met but will also, and more importantly, ensure that they are properly investigated in order to prevent a recurrence.


Policy Review

The Senior Management Team will monitor the Health and Safety Policy for effectiveness and compliance on an ongoing basis. Any changes deemed necessary to the policy will be reviewed by the Board and amended as necessary; additionally the Board will also carry out an annual review of the Policy. 

Any revisions will be communicated to all staff and compliance with the policies and procedures put in place by the Company is a condition of employment.